Developing a growth mindset

Rimsha Muhammad Nadeem
2 min readApr 9, 2021

Growth mindset plays an essential role in an individual’s personality and also highly contributes to one’s success. For instance, whenever you face a problem, if you have a fixed mindset then you will not try to overcome the problem. However, if you have a growth mindset you will keep trying until you find the best solution.

“Amal Totaky” which I learnt at Amal Academy talks about 5 points needed for developing a growth mindset:

  1. Self-Talk
  2. Getting out of your comfort zone
  3. Creating new habits
  4. Asking help from others
  5. Fake it till you make it

These 5 points have taught me to change my mindset to a mindset which grows according to experiences. We always have to think in a positive way and refrain from negativity.

Secondly, success requires hard work which then requires getting out of your comfort zone. You need to be ready to come out of your comfort zone in order to learn something new. This way you are open to challenges and also to many new achievements.

At Amal I learnt “Feedback is a gift”, which I think is also important. Taking feedback from people is highly recommended in order to present the best work out of yourself after listening to different opinions.

My favourite tip is Self-Talk because at the end of the day everyone should have some time allocated for themselves in order to communicate to themselves.

I myself began to apply self -talk on a daily basis where I talk to myself at the end of the day where I measure pros and cons of the day, try to calm myself if I had an argument and talk to myself about problems or issues I faced during the day and what will be the optimal output.

Developing a growth mindset isn’t a difficult task; you just need the motivation and self-realization. A person can change in bits and pieces and sudden changes do not last long. So decide on which one will be the easiest and begin with that then proceed to the challenging ones.

